Sure, Matt Groening might have his name emblazoned on every piece of Simpsons art and merchandise, but what about the other creators, such as Gabor Csupo, former supervising animation director?

Christy Lemire sets the record straight in her review of Bridge to Terabithia:

Killer birds and giant squirrels and menacing trees come out of nowhere and dart about in this live-action feature debut from Hungarian animation artist Gabor Csupo, who helped create “The Simpsons.”

Csupo is a pretty accomplished guy in his own right – he’s one of the two founders of successful animation company Klasky-Csupo, which produced the mega-popular Rugrats. So why is his Simpsons connection still being emphasized? [The Brunswick News]


Even some of Springfield’s biggest fans admit that Americans know little about the city beyond its Lincoln connections. If they have any impression, it’s probably of a pleasant, nondescript midwestern city.

“It’s Every Place,” said Curtis Mann, manager of the local library’s Sangamon Valley Collection.

[Associated Press]


Yes, according to some random guy on the internet. Here’s a made-up quote purportedly from Matt Groening:

Die hard fans may get a long overdue recurring gag. Remember the episode where Lester and Eliza saved the day instead of Bart and Lisa? That was disturbing, and I personally expected them to come back and wreak more havoc. A decade later, we may finally get closure. “I think we put them in The Simpsons movie. They were in one draft. I’m not sure if they survive.”

[Rotten Tomatoes]


3/8/2007 UPDATE: I guess the quote wasn’t made up! You can see it here in this interview with Crave Online.


At least according to the author of a new book, Stupid, Ugly, Unlucky and Rich: Spike’s Guide to Success:

“I’m not saying that being good looking won’t get you a date, but as for success – forget it,” said [Richard] St. John, who names multimillionaires Rupert Murdoch and Bill Gates as examples of that principle.

“I apologize for calling them ugly,” he said. “In fact, I think they are just average, but there’s an inverse relationship between looks and success. The uglier they are, the richer they are.”

Ugly people discussed in the book include Groening, Rudy Giuliani, Barbra Streisand, Russell Crowe, Martha Stewart, Norman Lear, Quincy Jones, the Google founders, the discoverer of DNA and Ben of Ben & Jerry’s. [Buffalo News]


Matt Groening:

“The scripts evolved incredibly. Characters have come and gone, story twists have changed, huge sequences have been storyboarded and then deleted. One of our favourite new characters is totally out, just to streamline the story. Nothing’s sacred. As good as the film is going to be, the DVD, with all our deleted scenes, is going to be a hell of a bonus package.”

[Empire via No Homers Club]


The Simpsons Movie, which has been anticipated for nearly two decades, and in production over the past three years or so, is finally coming out in only six short months from now! What’s the latest status on its progress?

“We’re still trying to figure out what the movie is about,” admitted show producer James L. Brooks during a recent Television Critics Association panel discussions attended by FilmStew.



Girl draws an anime version of The Simpsons which gets posted all over the internet, gets a job offer from the comics company that makes Simpsons comics. More people on DeviantArt try anime-izing other Western cartoons in attempt to achieve their own 15 minutes of internet fame. Digg, modest as ever, downplays its role, if any, in parlaying the job offer. [The Star]


Here’s a pretty generic update on the upcoming movie from the LA Times, with some mildly entertaining new tidbits – the producers seem to advise walking in with low expectations, Groening doesn’t know off-hand how many spikes of hair Bart has, director David Silverman wants it to be as wide as possible. But the real highlight of this article is this delightful Silverman drawing of Homer and Bart being chased by Silverman, Groening, Al Jean and James L. Brooks:

[Los Angeles Times]


Not to be outdone by TVs that look like Spongebob, Samsung has made some cell phones with The Simpsons Movie logo plastered on them, which probably also come with some annoying Simpsons ringtones. According to the reporter, “if done right, these have the potential to be the geek phone of the year.” He probably should have waited a day before making such a pronouncement. [The Inquirer]