The Simpsons is a television institution that has been on the air for a very long time. Specifically, since 1989. This December it will have been on for 34 years. Have you ever wondered how old The Simpsons would be if it started in 1923? Read on to find out.
Adolf Hitler
For years, The Simpsons Archive has had a page documenting a long-lost Simpsons short called “Nazis on Tap” involving Hitler, Stalin, and talking dogs. It was supposed to air in Season 2, but was never animated and apparently forgotten about. I always assumed it was a joke, but apparently it’s very real — Simpsons Archive webmaster Jouni Paakkinen recently discovered the long-lost audio track on YouTube, probably uploaded by some disgruntled show staffer who’s about to get 20 years of jailtime.
“Aye carumba, the Fuhrer!” [YouTube via Simpsons-L]