talk shows
Homer To Appear On Tonight Show
Homer is supposed to appear on The Tonight Show during Jay Leno’s monologue. In keeping with the show’s spirit, Homer will not tell any jokes or be funny in any way. [Simpsons Channel]
Conan O’Brien Not Asked To Participate In Movie
Responding to a comment by current show runner Al Jean that he would have simply ”laughed” off an invite to work on the movie, in Entertainment Weekly for its Simpsons cover story that hits stands this Friday, O’Brien deadpanned:
“I cleared my talk show schedule for a year at great financial cost to myself, got an apartment right outside the Fox lot, and told them I was ready to report to work. All I heard back was that they were having trouble finding me a parking space, and then they stopped returning my calls altogether. I am stunned and disappointed…. Truth be told, I worry that the Simpsons-writing portion of my brain has been destroyed after 14 years of talking to Lindsay Lohan and that guy from One Tree Hill, so maybe it’s all for the best.”